5 Ways to Create a Healthier Lifestyle

It can be hard to know when you are doing the right tasks throughout your day to get you on a healthier path of living. I am here to tell you how you can start today.

Ask yourself, what has stopped you from having a healthier lifestyle?


Don’t let your mind tell you you are too tired and that you'll workout tomorrow. You know you won't get to your goals if you keep sitting there. Get in the habit of getting up and doing it right away before your mind can tell you no.


If you are tired, not happy with the way your body looks, or in a bad mood, you should make the changes needed to have more energy throughout the day, to feel better in your skin, to become happier, and to take care of your body and what it needs.


Allowing yourself to say “well that's just who I am” is hurting you every time you let a bad habit slide. Break bad habits by creating a new daily routine for yourself and sticking to it.

Let's Work on Those Bad Habits Utilizing These Daily Tasks!

Let's Discuss Water Intake

Why Do We Need Water?

  • Our body is composed of 60% of water and our blood, 90%
  • It lubricates the joints for better and less painful movement
  • Boosts skin health
  • It regulates body temperature
  • It aids with digestion
  • Flushes the body of toxic waste
  • Boosts performance during exercise
  • It helps with weight loss when picked over soda and other sugary drinks
  • NEED I GO ON??

The recommendation for water intake per day is half of your body weight (lbs) in oz. For example, a 180 lb person should be consuming 90 oz of water per day. Yes, this seems like a lot but this is how you might feel when you start to meet this daily goal:

1. More energized

2. More focus

3. Higher performance

4. Less cravings

The first three results are a little more obvious than the last. The reason you have less cravings is because if you drink water when you are “hungry” or more likely craving a food, then you will satisfy your hunger needs and no longer need that “bad” snack you almost ate.


You do not have to stick strictly to water. You can choose zero calorie sodas such as La Croix or Zevia's. You can also spice up your water with lemon, mint, cranberry juice, etc. Make this a fun thing for you to want to do!

Now We Will Discuss Workouts

Why Do We Need to Workout?

  • More engergy
  • Raise metabolism
  • Improve physical appearance
  • Challenge your mind
  • Ease anxiety, stress and tension
  • Decrease risk for diseases
  • Reduce the likelihood for injuries or pain
  • Build focus
  • Make your heart stronger
  • Improve flexibility and mobility

In order to advance toward our ultimate goals, we need to challenge our bodies past what we usually do on a normal day. For example, Anna usually does a 30 minute workout 3 days a week. So we would want her to amp that up to 4-5 days a week and add a 30 minute walk on the off days. See what we are doing here?

Another way to look at this is if you are already working out 5 days a week (or more than the average person), add an outdoor activity in your schedule on those days and the off days. Example, Lexi weight trains 5 days a week for 40 minutes. So we would have Lexi workout those 5 days still and add a 20 minute walk outside whenever she chooses to do so on those days and also add a 20 minute walk on the 2 days she does not weight train.


If you feel wiped because of the added load, go a little easier on yourself for your workouts. You do not have to go as hard as you can during these workouts. We are simply just trying to add more activity in your daily routine so we can make this a healthy habit for the future. If you feel like you do not know how to workout alone, grab a buddy to workout with or purchase some sessions with me! If you work with me, you probably will get more tips and tricks and motivation anyway!

Another Important Task is Stretching

Why Stretch?

  • Gain flexibility
  • Avoid joint pain
  • Reduce risk of injuries
  • Clear your mind of anxiety and stress
  • Stay focused
  • Learn more about your body

This task can be so simple and easy to fit into your schedule. The recommendation is to stretch everyday for best results (you can also try to meditate for 10-15 minutes 3-4 days a week). 

A lot of people prefer to wake up 30 minutes earlier to start their day off with a stretch routine or meditation. Doing this first thing in the morning gets you in a better headspace for the day because you are taking care of yourself before anyone else. It’s okay to be selfish sometimes.

You can also do these tasks right before bed. It can be relaxing for the body and the mind and promote better sleeping habits.


If you are someone who likes to journal as well, this is a good time to get out anything holding you back from becoming your best self. Write away!

Clearing Your Mind With Reading

Why Should We Read?

  • Mental stimulation
  • Improve Memory
  • Relieve stress
  • Gain knowledge
  • Expand vocabulary
  • Improve concentration and focus
  • Tranquility
  • Entertainment

Reading 10 pages is only the minimum. When I first started doing this daily, I ended up reading 200 pages one day because I opened up such a good book that I did not want to put it down. That was the most mentally clear I had ever been in a while.

If you are not a book reader or are not interested in starting to read books, you can research information you are interested in or magazines, poems, newspapers, really anything you would enjoy reading. The main focus is to advance in personal development whether that be a PD book or something that gives you more knowledge. 


Reading at night is a calming way to fall asleep and is a great alternative to watching TV or a screen. Watching a screen is mentally stimulating so it will delay your sleepiness or bedtime. It also can disrupt your sleeping habits throughout the night such as less REM sleep and more restlessness. And you do not have to feel guilty taking time to read as one might while watching a mindless show!

Last but Certainly Not Last Nutrition

Why Eat Healthy?

  • Heart health
  • Reduce disease risk
  • Improve mood
  • Improve gut health
  • Weight loss
  • Improved memory
  • Stronger bones and teeth
  • Better nights sleep
  • Better performance

Let’s be clear here, “nutrition” is not going on a “diet”. We are not going to be on a diet or following a fad that is going on. We are going to dial in our unhealthy habits. There is no problem with treating yourself every once and a while, it is when we are doing it everyday that it becomes an issue. So what can we do to change this?

Ex) Sally purchases a bag of chips from the store that is family sized so that it can last longer. However, when she sits down with this bag she ends up eating nearly the whole thing. So what Sally should do to dial in this habit is pour herself a bowl of chips and only have that for the remainder of the day. This does come with some will power but the more she does this, the more she builds this as a healthier habit.

Another example would be Patty, the chocolate monster. She loves her desserts and sugar. So what Patty can do is have 70% cocoa chocolate bar on hand so when she is craving sugar, she can have a piece or two to satisfy her sweet cravings.


Another factor within the nutrition section is alcohol intake. If you are someone who regularly drinks, you could be slowly hurting your body and the way it functions. Do you really need a drink or two every single day? No! Let's get this under control too.

The best way this has been handled is giving yourself an amount of drinking days allowed each week and how many drinks you consume on those days. A recommendation is 3 days a week, 3 drinks max. Often times you won't even want to drink because you'll start to feel the positive effects on your body when you aren't drinking such as more energy, mental clarity and motivation throughout your day. Before you shy away, give it a try and see how you feel.


Healthy food can taste good too! An easy go-to “dessert” could be a banana, cocoa powder, coconut milk and nuts blended up and frozen to make a healthy ice cream!! Or find chips that are less sodium and made of things like rice instead of potatoes! Find a nutrition social media and get some inspiration! Now is your time!

One Last Thing From Me to You

I know it may seem like a lot to tackle and it does take motivation and consistency to get to where you want to be when it comes to feeling better and more like yourself. These tasks are so simple and they are guaranteed to get you on the right track, or you can message me and yell at me for giving you false hope! I can take it!

Try these daily tasks for the next 15 days and see how you feel. You are so close to feeling better, stronger, and more mentally clear and you have the tools you need to get there. You can do this, I believe in you!

-Holly, Flux Fitness

Try the 30 Day Challenge to Keep Yourself Accountable

If you feel like you need accountability, full support, and more guidance on your journey, sign up for the 30 Day Challenge where we utilize all of these daily tasks plus full workouts to follow, stretch class access, and recipes to try!

If you have any Questions please let us know

  • holly@fluxfitnesstraining.com
  • 716-430-2199

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