This post is purposely written for those who have slower, more lethargic days and need a quick boost of energy.


I believe the best way to think about this is you don't have to do a HUGE workout in order to feel good about what you worked on that day.


Occasionally I don't feel like doing a full blown workout with weights and sweating and heart pounding work.


Sometimes a simple 15 minute stretch will do the trick.


I wrote this stretch routine for you that hits every part of the body and it will hopefully leave you more energized and more accomplished than you would have felt if you decided to take the whole day off.



(hold each move for 30 seconds or as long as your body is telling you to that day and then move on)


Start by standing with your feet hip width apart and limbs soft, full body reach up to the ceiling.


Keep your arms up and bring one elbow down towards your hip, stretching the other side up. Continue alternating.


Reach both arms up towards the ceiling and roll the whole body down to a pike stretch keeping the knees slightly bent.


You can let your hands dangle towards the floor, hold onto opposite elbows or the tops of your feet, whatever your body wants to do.


Staying bent over, open feet wide into a straddle stretch keeping the toes pointing forward.


Here you can sway back and forth, forward and back, hold your feet and pull yourself further. Again, whatever your body wants.


Turn to one leg and go into a low lunge, a lunge with your back knee down. Slowly and actively press your hips forward and down towards the floor.


Lean back so that your weight is now on the back leg, stretch your front leg out keeping it slightly bend and slowly round forward over your front leg.


Return to your lunge, back to the straddle and repeat on the other side.


Return to your straddle and walk your feet together and stand all the way up.


Go ahead and at your own pace make your way to your hands and knees. Shoulders over wrists, knees under hips.


Engage your core and flatten your spine and look down towards the mat so the neck is in line with the spine.


Perform a cat cow which is arching your back and looking up towards the ceiling, and then rounding your back tucking your chin into your chest. Go through these two movements for the 30 seconds.


Sit back onto your heels and stretch your arms forward for a child's pose.


Go back onto your hands and knees, widen your knees, keep your toes together, and sit back again for a wide child's pose to open the hips a little more.


Move through your hands and knees position and straight down onto your stomach.


Put your arms next to your chest and press up just a little bit keeping your belly down and only raising the chest. Raise and lower down for 30 seconds going at a pace that is good for you.


Press back into a child's pose.


That is it!! All done. You did it!! Do you feel better about your day now, about yourself, what you just accomplished?

I encourage you to stretch everyday for at least 10 minutes for the next 10 days. See how it changes your mood, your energy, your outlook on the day. If it doesn't work for you, then you really don't have to do it anymore. There are other ways to get your stretching in!!


Stay positive,
